When you visit a campus you get a much better idea of whether a program is a good fit for you in a way that you just can’t get from a website or a catalog.
For example, several times per year, National University hosts a “student for a day” experience for students curious about our biomedical science program. The event runs from three in the afternoon until seven in the evening.
What can you expect when you’re a “student for a day?” Walking down the halls and being a part of the community is the first feeling you’ll get. To officially kick things off, admissions counselors will introduce you to the nuts and bolts of the application process. Afterwards, a financial aid expert will boil down the financial aid process, making it much clearer for you.
Then, it’s on to class! Classes are small at National University, so you may be observing a class with only 8 to 10 students. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself a contributing member of that class as they draw you into their conversation! Depending on what is scheduled that day, you may be learning medical Spanish or hearing about alternative care in a botanical medicine class.
Touring the campus, you’ll see graduate and undergraduate students hard at work in the beautiful Learning Resource Center, and maybe some folks pumping iron in the fitness center. You may see students grabbing coffee in the campus store to prepare for a late night of studying, or they may be practicing treatment skills in our many laboratories. Depending on the season, you might find sports clubs playing a game of pick-up basketball in the gym, or spiking a volleyball on the outdoor sand court.
Walking through our on-campus clinic you’ll see interns from our health care programs bustling between treatment rooms, caring for their patients. In the clinic, you’ll peek in on our herbal dispensary where oriental medicine and naturopathic practitioners store their “medicines”: herbal remedies, tinctures, homeopathic treatments, nutritional supplements and over 300 oriental herbs. It smells like a place where healing begins.
After your tour, you’ll enjoy dinner with our students and faculty and have the chance to ask any questions, or hear about their personal experience at National. What we hope you’ll like best of all is that National University’s Student for a Day program is casual, relaxed, and designed to make you feel at home.
If you would like to sign up for the next Student for a Day event, call 1-800-826-6285 or register online.