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The Start of Phase II and Open Lab

by May 17, 2024

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » The Start of Phase II and Open Lab

Welcome back! I hope, like myself, everyone had a relaxing break and is ready for this upcoming trimester. As I continue with the privilege of sharing my experiences, I am happy to report we have made it to Phase II and are off to a busy start! The first thing that is glaringly obvious is just how different and hands on Phase II is compared to Phase I. Our new classes focus on incorporating all of the practical knowledge we learned in different examination and management classes, along with all of our adjusting technique classes, into a cohesive process to care for patients. It is only one week in, but I have high hopes that these next three trimesters are going skyrocket us into clinic before we know it.

Coming back from break, I always feel out of practice and slower with regard to my adjusting skills and techniques. This, alongside our shift from the spine to extremity adjusting, makes it that much more vital to attend open lab. For those who are unfamiliar, open lab is by far the best way to continue honing our adjusting skills, as it allows for us to work with students from all trimesters of school. Working with new people allows the sharing of techniques, and even more importantly, getting a feel for a wider range of anatomy. I absolutely love open lab and all the opportunities it provides to better ourselves, a duty we owe to our future patients. I highly encourage everyone in the program to drop by as often as possible and see for yourself just how effective and motivating it can be.

Learn more about NUHS’ Doctor of Chiropractic program here.

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About the Author

Dylan Kahn

Dylan Kahn

My name is Dylan Kahn, and I am currently heading into my fifth trimester of the Doctor of Chiropractic program at the Florida campus of NUHS. I have a B.S. in Exercise Physiology, with a minor in chemistry from Florida State University. When I am not in school, I love to adventure with my fiancé, Sarah, powerlift, and play the piano. I hope that this blog will be helpful to all those that read it in understanding my journey as a chiropractic student, and what life is like for all of us on this path.


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