Tuition Due Dates
Tuition is due on the first day of the trimester. Student accounts that have not been paid by the first day of the trimester will be subject to Past Due Account Fees.
At a Glance
Billing Statements
Student accounts office has gone green! We will not longer mail billing statements. Billing statements can be viewed under the student account via the MyNU Student Portal two weeks prior to term start, assuming the student has registered for class. This billing statement will show your expected charges, financial aid and balance due as of the date printed. These billing statements are subject to change and students are encouraged to view their student account via the MyNU Student Portal for the most current information.
Note to Prerequisite Students
Professional program waivers are not posted until the second week of the trimester. Prerequisite students are expected to pay the balance due, minus the estimated professional program waiver amount, by the first day of the trimester. Payment plans are available to interested students.
Note to Prerequisite Students Receiving Financial Aid
Prerequisite students should be aware that their student loan proceeds are split into two equal disbursements with half being received at the beginning of the trimester and the remainder being received at the midpoint of the trimester. This means that it is possible your refund will be less than indicated on the unofficial billing statement or that you may not be eligible for your refund until the second disbursement is received.
We know that many students expect to use their loan refunds for living expenses. In order to accommodate this need, we do offer a tuition split option. This allows for your tuition charges to be split in half and billed in conjunction with your loan disbursements. If you are interested in the tuition split option, you may pick up a request form during the second week of the trimester at the cashier window located on the second floor of Janse Hall.