Course Registration
After the close of online registration, all adds/drops must be initiated through the Office of the Registrar. Be sure and note the add/drop date in the Academic Bulletin or refer to the online calendar in the MyNU Student Portal.
Any student desiring to withdrawal for any reason is required to complete an Authorized Withdrawal Request Form. The student must clear all outstanding financial obligations (such as Library fines, Parking Services, Student Accounts, etc.) and, until the Office of the Registrar has been notified, cannot receive transcripts upon request. By withdrawing the student will not have access to the residence halls, lockers, student e-mail, or CygNet.
Academic Schedules
Versions of the traditional schedule of courses are available for download here; however, these grids are not continually updated. For the most current information, view the schedule of courses in the MyNU Student Portal.
Schedule Downloads