The world is changing, especially in westernized societies, and medicine is changing with it. For all the flak we millennials take concerning our perceived threat to all the glorious capitalist aspects of everyday American life, the housing market, our under consumption, and our disregard for “tried-and-true” dating methods, we are spearheading a truly productive and wonderful revolution in the arenas of health and natural conservation.
We are investors in life experience, vitality, health, and environment. We consume less, need fewer traditional status symbols, and use the surplus to invest in making memories and nurturing our unique individuality. If society is an organism, which in many ways it is, one can view the millennial revolution as a natural compensatory mechanism aimed to stymy the vast over-consumption and inequality driven by superficial consumerism.
We are ardent researchers of things important to us, so I have found it no surprise that almost all millennials I sit down and talk with about the approach to health that we are taught here at NUHS, not only understand it, but also they are passionate about what we have to offer.
Travel: True Millennial Currency
Even in lieu of an intimate knowledge of Chiropractic Medicine, millennials are very open to a form of treatment aimed at restoring true, natural function, when possible, instead of the illusion of function provided by many pharmaceuticals. They’re questioning the system that they’ve become disillusioned with; they’re searching for answers outside the all too common pharmaceutical prescriptions. They want vitality and we’re perfectly poised to do just that. The allopathic medical community will be slow to adapt, and big Pharma and their own philosophy on healthcare will limit their adaptation.
Over Thanksgiving, I had the opportunity to speak with many people about this very subject, most of whom are not millennials. Most belong to a generation born and raised in the long shadow cast by an ever-growing pharmaceutical industry in an increasingly burdened healthcare system. They have felt first-hand the less than desirable side effects of some of the unnecessary prescriptions, and the highly processed food that, until recently, hadn’t been thoroughly studied. They, too, are coming around. There is great growth happening right now in our profession and I’m happy to be on the right side of it.