id you know that chiropractic physicians work at the Olympic Games and Olympic Training Centers treating the world’s top athletes? Many chiropractic doctors can also be found as team physicians for professional and college sports teams. Chiropractic physicians, also known as DCs, have a wide range of medical knowledge at their fingertips that allows them to help injured athletes get back in the game.
National University wants you to know that your chiropractic physician may be the best choice to help you get back in your game – even if you’re not an athlete. After all, we all want to perform and feel our best!
In fact, October is National Chiropractic Health Month. The American Chiropractic Association has chosen the theme “Find Your Game” for 2012 to raise awareness of the many ways chiropractic care helps people address health concerns to improve their quality of life.
“Finding Your Game” might mean your DC can help keep you working in your garden without that nagging knee pain. Or finding your game might mean eliminating that back pain without surgery, so you can return to work sooner. Or maybe your chiropractic physician can help you make healthier choices so you can keep up with your children, or grandchildren, for years to come.
Today’s chiropractic physician is a primary care family doctor. That means whatever your health condition, you can trust your DC clinician to understand your health history, make an informed and correct diagnosis, and offer a treatment plan, or referral, that’s best for your individual case. And since your DC is an expert at a wide scope of natural care options, your treatment may include nutritional strategies, physical therapy, botanical medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, or any of several other effective healing tools specific to your need.
So while your clinician at an NUHS Whole Health Center may have actually worked at the Olympics, or an Olympic Training Center, or even at the 2012 Paralympics in London, when they come back to our clinics, they utilize that same expertise and care to get you back into the full, rich and rewarding life you deserve. They help you find your game – and win!
For more information on how chiropractic care can help you find your game, or to make an appointment, call 1-630-629-9664 to find the NUHS Whole Health Center nearest you.