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Not Much to Report…for Now!

by Oct 30, 2020

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » Not Much to Report…for Now!

The last two weeks have been pretty uneventful over here in Florida! I have been very busy at the clinic and have been seeing anywhere from four to eight patients a day, depending on what sort of treatments I am performing each day. Being one of the few acupuncture trained interns at our clinic, I find myself helping out with a lot of patients by co-managing with acupuncture therapies while they receive chiropractic care from another intern. This makes for very fun and dynamic treatment sessions as there are a lot of moving parts to a treatment plan. It is a super satisfying feeling working together with another intern and seeing results with our shared patient! I am really enjoying working in the clinic and training the Trimester 8 students, but I am very excited to graduate and go out to practice in the real world.

Outside of clinic, I have been diligently studying for the Part IV board exam. This exam will be a practical exam and the last of my chiropractic boards. I take it in just about three weeks and at this point I’m just ready to get it over with–I am definitely feeling ready to be done with studying for a little while!

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As for the rest of my time, things have been pretty slow. I spend most of my free time either studying or working on things around the apartment but have enjoyed the few study breaks out of the house. Most recently, my girlfriend and I met up with some friends at a fun watch party put on by the St. Pete Pier for the world series. It was game three, which the Rays ended up losing, but it was still a lot of fun to be outside and enjoying the game with others.

The next day, a company finally came to remove our resident beehive located right across the hall from my front door. Here’s hoping the sixth time is the charm and the bees are safely relocated to a new location (and actually stay this time!).

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As always, if you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].

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About the Author

Addison Ozakyol

Addison Ozakyol

My name is Addison Ozakyol and I am currently in my tenth and final trimester of the Doctor of Chiropractic Program here at NUHS - Florida. I am eagerly approaching graduation and look forward to practicing with an emphasis in sports medicine and acupuncture. I hope to bring useful content to this blog and showcase what life is like here at NUHS - Florida.


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