National University’s college of continuing education hosted a free lunch and learn session for current students on Friday, June 3, 2016, featuring guest speaker Dr. Robert Melillo. He is a leading specialist in childhood neurological disorders, who has pioneered innovative treatment plans for children with autism spectrum disorders, ADD/ADHD, OCD, dyslexia and more.
Dr. Melillo shared the evolution of his method and how a child’s primitive reflexes and milestones can be assessed to pinpoint neurological deficits in the brain that can be corrected by special exercises and interventions. All of his modalities are evidence-based, and have brought astounding results with over a thousand children in his practice.
His work led him to create Brain Balance Achievement Centers for children with various learning disabilities and behavioral disorders. He has also written several books addressing neurobehavioral disorders in children.
National University students, faculty and alumni can register for Dr. Melillo’s complete 7-module course, beginning on June 10th, which will be presented on the university’s Illinois campus. The course is presented by the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation (IAFNR).
“We are very excited about bringing this cutting edge training to our campus,” says Dr. Jenna Glenn, dean of NUHS continuing education. “Childhood neurological and behavioral disorders are growing in our nation in epidemic proportions. NDs and DCs can deliver natural and effective treatment options for these children.”