In January, I will enter the student clinic as an official naturopathic medicine intern.
Of course, all of my education, learning experiences, and skills developed throughout the entire course of my education at NUHS has helped me prepare for it. However, there are two courses I am taking this trimester that are especially preparing me for this transition.
In my hydrotherapy clinical rotation, I have been performing various hydrotherapy treatments such as constitutional hydrotherapy, Russian steam, cold sheet wraps, and infrared sauna on patients in the student clinic. It has helped me get more practice in several ways. I am gathering vital signs from a wide variety of body types and health statuses, gaining experience with carrying out these therapies, and learning how to more effectively communicate with real patients. Additionally, I have been getting acquainted with the patient flow and procedures of the student clinic and how to effectively document the appointments using the note-taking software the clinic utilizes.
In my advanced diagnosis and problem solving class, I have had 8 face-to-face interactions with simulated patients (and I am only half way though the trimester). I have been honing in on my history taking, physical exam, diagnosis, problem solving, and treatment plan skills. Working with simulated patients (again) has given me the opportunity to further develop my communication and interpersonal skills as well. It is so helpful to practice on people other than classmates. The feedback that I have received from the simulated patients has helped me make positive adjustments for future encounters.