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Fun Phone Apps for Biomedical Science Students

by May 31, 2017

Home » Biomedical Science » Fun Phone Apps for Biomedical Science Students

Cell phone and iPad apps are becoming increasingly handy and popular in hospitals and other health care facilities. If you’re a biomedical science student or just interested in biology, many fun and interactive apps can be used as a learning resource. Chances are you might need them in the field too.

Here is an updated list of some of the best biomedical science apps available today:

Screen Shot 2017-06-01 At 9.20.08 AM3D Brain for iPhone and iPad or  Android

Use your touch screen to rotate and zoom around 29 interactive structures in the human brain. Discover how each brain region functions, what happens when it is injured, and how it is involved in mental illness. Each detailed structure comes with information on functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to modern research.

Cell Defender for  Android

Learn about the different structures of a cell through an interactive game.  In this app, you play antibodies and help fight back attacking viruses that can make you sick.

Periodic Table of Elements for  iPhone and iPad or  Android

This app goes far beyond what a wall chart can do. This app allows you to see elements in their natural state and learn how each element is used in real life. You can even customize the app so you can get quick access to data.

Genetics 4 Medics for  iPhone and iPad or  Android

Meant to be used by students and clinicians alike, this app provides an in-depth understanding of genetic conditions. Basic genetic concepts and terminology is included too. 

iCell for  iPhone and iPad or  Android

This visually pleasing app provides a 3D view inside a variety of cell types including animal, plant and bacteria cells. You’ll also learn about the various parts of a cell with the ability to drag and rotate the cell or selected organelle.

Bones Human 3D for  Android

If you’re going into a health science field, understanding human anatomy is crucial. This app contains a complete location and descriptions of human bones. It allows you to manipulate the model, rotate the camera and also color codes.

Speed Anatomy Quiz for  iPhone and iPad or  Android

How fast can you point to your liver or gall bladder? Do you know the difference between, the sacrum and the manubrium? Speed Anatomy is an addictive game that tests your speed and challenges your knowledge of human anatomy.

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About the Author

Debra Cascio

Debra Cascio

Debra Cascio is an undergraduate admissions counselor at National University, who works with prospective students just starting their journey into health care. To Deb, the best part of her position is learning about students' dreams and what influenced them to go into their chosen field. She grew up in Villa Park, Illinois, and is currently finishing up a degree in general studies from Columbia College in Missouri.


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