We are nearly halfway through the trimester and things are really starting to pick up speed. The AOMSA student club finally received confirmation that we can resume our Point Location & Needling Technique Series. This series is featuring our professor mentor Dr Kwon. The first topic of this limited series is electric stimulation. Electroacupuncture is when electric cables are directly attached to the individual acupuncture needles; the intensity, frequency and pulse duration are adjusted based on the treatment plan. From a western frameset, electroacupuncture (EA) can stimulate an endorphin response in muscle tissues1. In a study published in the Integrative Medicine for Children, Dr. Loo reported how the brain reacted when acupuncture was carried out with hand stimulation vs. electric stimulation.
“An fMRI study of normal adults found that EA at Li4 (or Hegu), produced signal increase in the precentral gyrus, inferior parietal lobe and the putamen… Whereas manual stimulation at the same point showed prominent decreases of fMRI signal in the posterior cingulate, superior temporal gyrus, and putamen.2“
I’ll list the link below if you want to read more on the topic. Overall, EA can be used to treat infertility, pain, musculoskeletal conditions, neurological disorders, high blood pressure, strokes, headaches, and so much more! On a personal note, after exams I decided to treat myself to a little retail therapy and headed to the local bookstore and picked up a few things. Check out what I scored (above, right)! Until next time —
- https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-141602299-2.10006-4
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/electroacupuncture