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Alumni Ambassadors

Alumni Ambassadors

As an Alumni Ambassador, you’ll only be giving your time, but you’ll be helping to shape the future of National University and the future of your profession. You can participate in a variety of activities as your schedule allows.

What to Expect

NUHS alumni ambassadors logoActivities include:

  • Provide Literature and Information – Display NUHS materials in your office and inform students and prospective students about upcoming events.
  • Student Contact – Call or email prospective students to answer questions or provide information.
  • Outreach Events – Participate in events such as our alumni panel at Campus Visit Day.
  • Shadow Opportunities – Allow prospective students to observe you and learn more about the profession.

Join the Program

If you’re ready to become an Alumni Ambassador, please complete and submit the form below:

More Information

If you are interested in the Alumni Ambassador program and would like more information, or if you are an existing Alumni Ambassador and would like recruitment materials, contact:

Request Materials

If you’re not ready to become an Alumni Ambassador but would like recruitment materials to distribute, we’ll be happy to send a packet of materials your way.