Master of Science – Diagnostic Imaging
The Master of Science in Diagnostic Imaging degree is limited to one participant per year and can only be received upon completion of the three-year, full-time residency in diagnostic imaging at National University. The degree is granted upon satisfactory completion of 51 credit hours of core and research courses and the Capstone Project, in conjunction with the Diagnostic Imaging Residency program.
The Diagnostic Imaging Residency program requires concurrent enrollment in the MS in Diagnostic Imaging degree program. Most of our diagnostic imaging residents sit for qualifying exams to earn the Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Radiology (DACBR).
Program Overview
Upon admission to the program, the master’s student will complete a minimum of 4 credit hours per trimester consisting of core courses and a research course. The core courses and research courses may be taken in any sequence. In addition to the core courses and research coursework, the master’s student will be involved in daily film readout sessions and interpretation, radiological technology work, large and small group teaching experiences, and personal study.
The student must successfully complete all required coursework with a grade of “C” or better in all attempted courses. For core courses, students will be assesed at the end of each trimester with essay questions and practical view box interpretation stations. Research courses must have advisor-approved examinations, case study papers, teaching file portfolios, and a written and orally presented Capstone Project, with defense in front of the Captstone Project Committee for final approval.