Admissions Requirements
Our admission process is designed to enroll highly motivated students with strong academic ability. Below, you’ll discover requirements for admission. However, different requirements may apply if you are an International Student, Veteran Student, or Transfer Student. Our knowledgeable staff will answer your questions, guide you through the admissions process, and help you chart your course for success.
First Professional Admissions Essentials
- Complete an online or paper application and submit a $55 application fee
- Write 3 essay responses (400-500 word minimum)
- Provide two character references
- Submit all official college transcripts
- Complete an informal interview (by phone, or in-person) with an Admissions counselor
- Submit $225 reservation deposit, if accepted
MSACP Admissions Essentials
- Complete an online or paper application and submit a $55 application fee
- Submit all official college transcripts
- Submit $225 reservation deposit, if accepted
MSMS Admissions Essentials
- Complete an online or paper application and submit a $55 application fee
- Submit a personal statement
- Submit all official college transcripts (including any additional graduate coursework or graduate degree(s))
- Complete an interview (phone, virtual, or in-person) with an Admissions counselor
- Submit $225 reservation deposit fee, if accepted and complete a mandatory virtual advising session with the Program Director
Undergraduate Admissions Essentials
- Complete an online or paper application and submit a $55 application fee
- Submit all official college transcripts
- Complete an informal interview (by phone, or in-person) with an Admissions counselor
Rolling admission schedule allows you to apply for entry into September, January or May trimesters*
*MSMS Fall semester begins in August. All other graduate programs begin in September. See Academic Calendar for full details.
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Prerequisites for Admission to DC and ND Programs
Students are expected to have completed a total of 24 credit hours in life and physical science coursework before entering the chiropractic or naturopathic programs. These should include both lecture and laboratory components in each of the following areas:
- Biology
- Physics
- General Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
Additional coursework is recommended, but not required for admission:
- Anatomy (human or comparative)
- Biochemistry
Transfer Guides
We have assembled transfer guides (or suggested course outlines) for select colleges in the U.S. that will help you choose courses at your college that will meet National University’s prerequisite requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree program.
All courses must be taken at an accredited institution and must be transferable at the baccalaureate level. All courses must be completed with a “C” grade (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) or higher. A grade of “C-” is not satisfactory unless it is equivalent to a 2.00 on a 4.00 scale.
Overall Degree and GPA Requirements
Students must have earned a baccalaureate degree and a minimum GPA of 3.00. Those between a 2.75 and 2.99 may be admitted under an Alternative Admissions Track Plan (AATP).
Technical Standards
In addition, students must read and understand the technical standards for their respective program.
Academic Options
Students who have completed their baccalaureate degree but fall short of the required science credit hours to meet National University admission requirements, may enroll in the Prerequisite Program.
Students who have not completed their baccalaureate degree may enroll in the NUHS Bachelor of Biomedical Science Degree completion program. It is designed for students with a two-year/associate’s degree or 60 semester hours of general education credits, who wish to earn a bachelor’s degree to prepare for a career in science or health care.
Students who are in the process of completing the above prerequisites at another institution are still welcome and encouraged to apply. Please contact the Office of Admissions at 1-800-826-6285 or to speak with an Admissions Counselor regarding admission.
Prerequisites for DAc-C
Applicants must complete a minimum of 90 semester hours of undergraduate credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 (on a 4.00 scale) and a masters degree in Acupuncture or Oriental Medicine. There are no specific course prerequisites required.
Prerequisites for DAc, MAc and MAc-HM
Credit Hours and GPA Requirements
Students interested in pursuing the DAc, MAc, or the MAc-HM degree programs are required to have completed a minimum of 90 semester hours or 120 quarter hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 (on a 4.00 scale). Priority admission will be granted to students with a 3.00 cumulative GPA (on a 4.00 scale) if qualified applications exceed the number of spaces available.
Suggested Preparatory Coursework
Students are encouraged to take classes in biology, physiology and chemistry prior to admission into DAc, MAc or MAc-HM degree programs. These courses will serve as an excellent foundation for a medical education at NUHS.
Technical Standards
In addition, DAc, MAc, and MAc-HM students must read and understand the technical standards for their respective programs.
Prerequisites for MSACP
Credit Hours and GPA Requirements
- First-professional degree (DC, ND, MD, DO, PT) with a minimum of 2.50 cumulative GPA
- Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution
Prerequisites for MSMS
Admissions Criteria
The NUHS admission requirements for the MSMS program include the following criteria:
- Bachelor’s degree required – no specific major
- 2.7 GPA minimum for science coursework
- 2.7 GPA minimum for cumulative work
- NOT REQUIRED: Standardized test (i.e. MCAT, GRE).
Pre-Requisite Requirements
Completion of the following required courses (47 total credit hours):
- General Biology I and II with labs (8 credit hours)
- General Chemistry I and II with labs (8 credit hours)
- Organic Chemistry I and II with labs (8 credit hours)
- Physics I and II with labs (8 credit hours)
- Mathematics (6 credit hours)
- Behavioral/Social Sciences (6 credit hours)
- English (3 credit hours)
Technology Requirements
A laptop, either Windows or MAC, is required for this program (Chromebook is currently not supported). We recommend students use new or recently purchased devices. For best experience, students’ laptops must meet the following requirements:
- Hard drive space: 10GB free or more
- Memory: 8GB RAM or more
- WiFi Connectivity: 3.0Mbps (up/down)
- Speakers, Microphone, Webcam
- Updated version of Windows 10 or Mac Operating System
Technical Standards
In addition, Master of Science in Medical Science students must read and understand the technical standards for the MSMS program.
Prerequisites for Biomedical Science
Students interested in pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree are required to have completed a minimum of 60 undergraduate semester hours (90 quarter hour credits), with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale).
1. Suggested General Education Courses
The following requirements should be completed with a grade of “C” or higher:
- 6 semester hours in English
- 3 semester hours in Speech/Public Speaking
- 9 semester hours in Social Sciences (courses may be taken from the following areas: anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, and sociology)
- 9 semester hours in Arts/Humanities (courses may be taken from the following areas: language*,
history, literature, philosophy, religious and cultural studies, performing arts, e.g. music/dance/theater appreciation or history, or visual arts e.g. art appreciation, film studies) - 3 semester hours in Psychology
- 30 elective semester hours in any general education, liberal arts, life or physical science**
* Language classes must be upper-level courses designed to increase knowledge of the culture. Courses focused on learning to speak or write a language will not fulfill this requirement.
** Students can be admitted with fewer hours. This determination is made by the dean on an individual basis.
Suggested General Education Courses
We have assembled suggested general education courses for select colleges in the U.S. that will help you choose courses at your college that will meet National University’s prerequisite requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree program.
2. Science Transfer Guides
Although BS applicants are not required to take science courses prior to applying to the program, students do have the option to complete comparable science coursework prior to applying. NUHS has developed transfer guides listing comparable science courses that can transfer from your community college or 4-year institution into the BS in Biomedical Sciences program.
Immunization Requirements
National University of Health Sciences distributes Immunization Guidelines and Certificate of Immunity forms to all new students. Discover more information about health records requirements.