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Activator Seminar in Orlando

by Feb 9, 2018

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » Activator Seminar in Orlando

Over this past weekend, I attended a seminar on the instrument assisted adjusting technique Activator Methods. The seminar was nearby in Orlando, Florida just an hour and a half drive away. Activator Methods is the most popular instrument assisted adjusting technique in the chiropractic profession. At NUHS we have exposure to a little bit of every technique, but I wanted to become a certified provider of this approach.

For students it was only $50, so I could not pass up the opportunity to become certified in one the most popular techniques in the profession. Not only is it popular, but effective. Prior to coming to NUHS I shadowed doctors who primarily used the technique and had great results. I have personally been treated with this technique and it was very effective for me.

To my surprise, I knew how to use the technique better than many of the doctors also taking the class, because of the training in our advanced technique class at NUHS. When we reach the clinical sciences phase of our curriculum, we get equipment such as blocks, a tens unit, a foam roller, a stability ball, and more. One of the pieces of equipment is a chiropractic adjusting tool which we learn to use in technique class.


The Chiropractic Adjusting Tool provided by NUHS

We have also practiced the proper hand placements for the leg length analysis (the main diagnostic test in the activator methods technique) and a few of the tests, but I wanted to have the technique down pat. To my surprise I ran into a couple other NUHS students at the seminar. I ended up sitting in the class with my friend Dr. Austin Shaw, an NUHS-Florida alumnus. We both took the fundamentals class which lasted 10 hours on Saturday. Lunch was provided and it was excellent. There was a buffet with soup, salad, salmon, rosemary chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and desert. I couldn’t believe how much I got for my money! The class, the meal, and certification all for $50. Having the basic knowledge from the class made it possible for me to take the class and the test the same day. I passed the exam, meaning when I graduate I will be proficiency rated. Dr. Shaw said the exact thing I was thinking: “Another tool in the belt!”


Dr. Shaw and I enjoying lunch courtesy of Activator Methods

The weekend was awesome; it was a short trip for a reasonable price. I built on the foundational education I received at NUHS and had the edge over the doctors to be able to take and pass the class on the same day. Having that seminar under my belt gives me an additional tool to use for patients who may need a different technique to respond. At NUHS we believe we should use whatever necessary to help the patient. I will continue to do just that.

If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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