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Sexual Misconduct Resources

Deana at the se3rvice window helping a student

All members of the NUHS Community should be free from sexual misconduct impacting the educational or workplace environment. NUHS is committed to fostering a climate free from sexual misconduct through a coordinated education and prevention program, clear and effective policies, as well as investigative and complaint procedures that are prompt, equitable and accessible to all.

Any member of the NUHS Community may report or file a complaint to the Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Deputy Coordinator via telephone, online form, email, or in person.

Online form: Title IX and Sex Discrimination Complaint Form

Title IX Officials and Contact Information

Title IX Coordinator: Tracy McHugh, Vice President for Administrative Services
Phone: (630) 889-6605
Office: Executive Offices located in Janse Hall (Illinois site)
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, CST

The university has also assigned three Deputy Title IX Coordinators and one Confidential Advisor to receive Sexual Misconduct complaints and conduct investigations under the supervision of the Title IX Coordinator. They are:

  • Andrew Wozniak – Director of Human Resources
    Tel.: (630) 889-6878, Email:, Office: 1st floor, Janse Hall, Rm. 117D
  • Yesenia Maldonado – Dean of Students
    Tel.: (630) 889-6546, Email:, Office: 2nd floor, Janse Hall, Rm. 218
  • Pamela Jones – Florida Campus Coordinator
    Tel.: (727) 394-6217, Email:, Office: Seminole UPC, 2nd Floor, Room UP203
  • Kimberly Kuspa – Confidential Advisor
    Tel.: (630)-889-6851,  Email:, Office: 1st floor, Janse Hall


The university urges anyone who has been sexually assaulted to seek support as soon as possible to minimize and treat physical harm, assist with processing the unique and complex emotional aftermath, and help preserve and understand options for pressing charges. Even for someone who does not wish to report the event to the police or pursue disciplinary action, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is important. At any point that an individual is ready to come forward, the university is prepared to help.

For information about complaint management for victims, see Title IX and Sex Discrimination Policy.

Further information about Title IX and sex discrimination in education is available from the Office of Civil Rights, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100 (by Customer Service Hotline: 800-421-3481; fax: 202-453-6012; TDD: 877-521-2172; email:; or on the web, at

NUHS strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual who brings a good faith complaint under this policy or participates in any portion of a Title IX investigation. Retaliatory conduct violates not only the university’s Non-Retaliation Policy and Title IX, but may also violate state and federal law.

Resources for Victims of Sexual Misconduct

Download printable version of Title IX Overview and Resources

NUHS has created brochures with contact information and bystander intervention tips to assist the NUHS community:

Survivor’s Rights

  • To receive concise information regarding crime victim’s rights:
  • To report or not report the alleged incident to NUHS or law enforcement.
  • To request NUHS to assist you in contacting local law enforcement.
  • To make a confidential report to the NUHS confidential advisor and/or Title IX coordinator.
  • To make a confidential report to a mental health counselor or clergy.
  • To request NUHS provide you with interim protective measures.
  • To receive a resolution complaint summary from NUHS through the NUHS Title IX and Sex Discrimination Policy found at:
  • To request NUHS assist you in seeking assistance through community-based, state, and national sexual assault crisis centers referenced below in the resource section and receive that information within 12 hours of filing a complaint.
  • To receive free medical forensic exams at the hospitals located below:
    • Good Samaritan Hospital, 3815 Highland Ave, Downers Grove, IL 60515 – (630) 275-5900
    • St. Petersburg Hospital, 6500 28th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 – (727) 384-1414

Campus Security

Illinois Campus Security

On-Campus - Ext. 311
Cell Phone - (630) 927-9957

Florida Campus Security

SPC Security Dispatch
(727) 791-2560

Police (Non-Emergency)

Illinois Police / Sheriff

Lombard Police Department
(630) 620-5955

DuPage County Sheriff's Office
(630) 682-7256

Florida Police / Sheriff

Pinellas Park Police Department
(727) 541-0758

Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
(727) 582-6200

Rape Crisis, Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse


IL Coalition Against Sexual Assault
(217) 753‐4117

Rape Victim Advocates
(312) 443‐9603


Suncoast Center
(727) 530-7273

FL Council Against Sexual Violence
(850) 297‐2000


National Sexual Assault Hotline

Center for Disease Control & Prevention

AIDS National Hotline

Sexual and Domestic Abuse Outreach and Advocacy


Family Shelter Services
(630) 221-8290

Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault
(217) 753-8081


Suncoast Center Abuse Hotline

FL Council Against Sexual Violence
(850) 297‐2000

FL Domestic Violence Hotline


National Sexual Violence Center

National Domestic Violence Helpline

ChildHelp National Child Abuse Hotline
(1-800) 4-A-Child or
(1-800) 422-4453

Stalking Resources

Counseling and Mental Health Services


DuPage County Crisis Intervention Unit
(630) 627-1700

NAMI of DuPage County
(630) 752-0066

IL Health & Human Services Helpline

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
(630) 971-3927


Suncoast Center
(727) 388-1220

University of South Florida Psychological Services Center
(813) 974-2496


National Alliance on Mental Health

Victims’ Rights and Resources


The National Center for Victims of Crime
(202) 467-8700

Not Alone

Each member of the university plays a vital role in supporting the NUHS community. Through collaboration, commitment, and dedication every employee can aid in the safety of the campus.

Responsible Employees

Any NUHS employee (Illinois or Florida site) other than the Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinators or the designated Confidential Advisor is considered a Responsible Employee. The Office of Civil Rights defines responsible employees as any employee who:

(a) has the authority to take action to redress sexual harassment/misconduct;

(b) who has been given the duty of reporting incidents of sexual harassment/misconduct or any other misconduct by students to the Title IX Coordinator or other appropriate designee;

(c) who a student reasonably believes has the authority or duty.

NUHS understands that a student, employee or third party may choose to make a report to an NUHS Responsible Employee for various reasons. That person may have limited interaction with NUHS employees, may have developed a professional relationship with a particular employee and feels comfortable bringing forward his/her concern, may need immediate attention and interacts with the first employee they encounter, or may not know where a complaint should be filed.

It is important to recognize that any person making a complaint to a Responsible Employee is not making a “confidential” complaint, but instead a complaint that will be kept “private” and shared with the Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible. If you receive a complaint, please notify the Title IX Coordinator via phone (630-889-6607) or email ( immediately. If the Title IX Coordinator is not available, please notify campus security immediately (630-927-9957).

NUHS has developed several resources a responsible employee may wish to refer to when receiving a complaint.

All NUHS community members receive training on the expectations and roles in fostering a safe and respectful campus.

Title IX training for employees and students is provided by Vector Solutions Student Success web-based training software.