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Reflecting on 2023: National University’s Top 5 Stories That Defined the Year

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

In the bustling corridors of National University of Health Sciences’ Lombard campus and Florida site, 2023 had proved to be another busy year filled with new opportunities and collective achievement. From new research discoveries to tales of student triumphs, the university has plenty to celebrate as the year comes to a close. 

Join us as we unravel the highlights of the year gone by, celebrating the Top 5 news stories that have captured the most attention and elevated the recognition of the university’s mission and achievements. 

  1. NUHS Florida student to be fifth generation chiropractic physician

Carter West, a DC student at the NUHS Florida-site (third from left), and his father Dr. Jason West, mother Maxine, and brother Dalton, hold up t-shirts they received during a tour of the Florida-site with Daniel Strauss, DC, Dean of the College of Professional Studies at NUHS Florida-site.

Carter West, a new chiropractic student at National University’s Florida-site, will be the fifth generation of his family to enter the field of chiropractic medicine. His family has had successful careers in chiropractic medicine since his great-great-grandfather graduated from National in 1916. Each generation has practiced in Idaho ever since.  

“I’m excited to join the family practice in Idaho after I complete my education ,” he said. “It’s like passing the torch.”   

The philosophy of the West Clinic is to help people using chiropractic adjustments, physiologic therapeutics, and clinical nutritional methods. At the family practice, they believe in treating the patient as a person and not a disease. 

Click here to read the full story.   

  1. NUHS grad Dr. Kowalski appointed Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Matthew Kowalski, DC, a 1990 graduate from National University, has been appointed as an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is also Associate Clinical Director at the Osher Clinical Center, a joint venture between Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  

Since graduating from National University, Dr. Kowalski has helped advance the chiropractic field through his efforts in academic research and the integration of chiropractic medicine into hospital systems.  

Early in his career, the medical world viewed chiropractic medicine much differently than it does today.  

“At the time, there was great opposition to chiropractic,” he said. 

Click here to read the full story. 

  1. New VA preceptorship opportunity in North Carolina will allow students to get hands-on, integrative experience

National University of Health Sciences’ chiropractic students will have the chance to get an integrative and hands-on experience as part of a new preceptorship program at the Fayetteville Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Coastal Health Care System in North Carolina. 

Since adding chiropractic physicians to the Fayetteville VA’s list of providers about a year ago, the department has had a busy schedule. Interns will work under Jude Miller DC, MS, CCSP, ICSC, or Peter Szynkowicz DC, MS, DACBSP, ICCSP, two of the three chiropractic physicians part of the VA Fayetteville NC Coastal Health Care System.  

“With a large veteran population in the coastal region, demand for chiropractic care is very high,” said Dr. Miller. “Interns can expect a full schedule.”   

Click here to read the full story. 

  1. Dr. Martin discusses his latest journal articles and his passion for research

At National University of Health Sciences’ clinics, faculty members are not only focused on treating patients, but they’re also often discovering their next research project. For Brett Martin, DC, MPH, MSAc, a faculty member at the Florida-site, when a particular treatment proves effective, his next step is finding the mechanisms behind it and then spreading the word to other clinicians.  

So far this year, Dr. Martin has published three case reports and a literature review, exploring treatment methods for premenstrual syndrome, schizophrenia, COVID-19 and antibiotic resistant bacteria. He also published a clinical reference guidebook about 10 commonly used herbs for a wide variety of conditions. 

“I always want to understand why a certain herb or supplement is having a benefit and be able explain why something is working, too,” Dr. Martin said.   

Click here to read the full story. 

  1. NUHS launches Doctor of Acupuncture programs 

Neuropathologist puts needles into the woman’s back removing inflammation of the muscles during the acupuncture treatment in the office

National University of Health Sciences is expanding its degree offerings to provide students with a more advanced education in the rapidly growing field of acupuncture. The new Doctor of Acupuncture Completion program (Dac-C) is designed for those who have already completed a Master of Acupuncture or Oriental Medicine. 

For first-time acupuncture students, NUHS offers an entry-level Doctor in Acupuncture (DAc) program that can be bundled with the restructured master’s program in acupuncture. The programs require 90 semester hours in undergraduate credit to apply. 

 In recent years, acupuncture has become increasingly well-accepted within the medical community. New research continues to support the effectiveness of acupuncture with more patients than ever before using it to treat pain, infertility, stress and anxiety, etc. As acupuncturists make their way into more mainstream medical environments like hospitals and fertility clinics, a more advanced, doctorate level of training in acupuncture is quickly becoming necessary. A degree with more advanced standing will help NUHS students stay competitive in the field.  

Hyundo Franz Kim, PhD, MSOM, LAc, will serve as Assistant Dean of the Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Program (AHM) after serving as Chief Clinician of the AHM Program at the NUHS Whole Health Center in Lombard. He has been teaching at NUHS since 2007.  

 “I’m looking forward to the opportunity to not only use my skills in clinical teaching but also to bring new ideas into the program that will set NUHS apart from other institutions,” he said.  

Click here to read the full story. 

Other Top Stories of 2023 include: 

National University celebrates new graduates and longtime faculty member Dr. Elder during commencement ceremony 

Dr. Driscoll receives Quilt of Valor for his service in the Marines 

Dr. Smith publishes new textbook, Naturopathic Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide 

Dr. Martin publishes botanical medicine guidebook for clinicians 

NUHS graduates celebrate accomplishments in summer commencement ceremony