Week 10 started with two exams in radiology. I studied for them all weekend and now that the grades are in, I am happy to say I did very well on both of them. Though I just made it through my first round of exams, the second wave is starting next week! Last week was very routine, we learned some interesting things in class. Specifically we went over the auditory and visual systems in neurophysiology.
Thursday we met in sports council and went over taping and bracing. The president of sports council Austin, showed everyone how to tape a knee, an ankle, and an elbow. Then one of the students practiced on my knee since I was experiencing pain on the medial side of my knee. The tape worked! My knee pain was gone after the tape was applied. I was happy I learned the basics of how to tape because I am very interested in sports medicine.
We had the prospective students sit in on our pathologies class. We were discussing thrombosis, an interesting topic to sit in for. But that is what we are all about here at National, a strong scientific education! Anyway, just wanted to give you all a shout out, I hope to see you all next trimester!
With two exams coming this upcoming week I should have studied all weekend, but this weekend was tri-games! Tri-games is an event we have every trimester down here in Florida where all students from the different trimesters get together to play some outdoor games. We went to Seminole Lake Park, just down the street from our school. One student brought a smoker and we grilled some food.
We planned to play football, volleyball, and ultimate Frisbee. We changed the plans after being out in the Florida heat for a short while. Despite the heat and humidity, we threw the football, kicked a soccer ball, tossed the disc around, played kanjam, and knocked the volleyball around. A few of us headed back to our apartment and swam in the pool until dusk. It was a great way to end the weekend.
Action shot of playing Kanjam
That’s pretty much it for this week, I am learning a lot and I am having a great time in Florida. I called my parents after tri-games to brag about how much fun I am having down here. The location is great but the people are even better. Being a small class really makes us a close knit group. I have already made countless memories with these people and plan to continue until school is over (and beyond).
Thanks for reading if you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected]