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64 Graduates Honored in Commencement Ceremony

by Apr 19, 2019

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National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) honored 64 graduates at its commencement ceremony on April 19 at the Student Center on the Lombard, Ill., campus. The class included graduates in the Doctor of Chiropractic, Doctor of Naturopathic, Masters in Acupuncture, Masters in Oriental Medicine and Bachelor of Biomedical Science programs.

Paul Richard Saunders - Featured Guest Speaker
Paul Richard Saunders – Featured Guest Speaker

The ceremony featured guest speaker Paul Richard Saunders, Phd, ND, DHANP, a professor at several Canadian colleges and universities, as well as being in private practice in Dundas, Ontario. Dr. Saunders was a member of the transition team that formed the Canadian Natural Health Products Directorate and served as natural health expert Directorate. Noting that the ceremony is an important transition from student to professional life, Dr. Saunders told graduates that they will find their health science careers very rewarding and challenging, while helping others.

“The cooperation you had here you should continue in your practice,” Saunders said. “I encourage you to work together in your profession. The changes you will make will be greater than what I’ve seen in my years of practice.”

Jane M. Haltmeyer delivering commencement address Ivylyn Paul-Van Os delivering commencement address

Inspiring valedictory addresses were delivered by Jane M. Haltmeyer, Bachelor of Science; Ivylyn R. Paul-Van Os, Oriental Medicine; Stephanie Durocher, Chiropractic Medicine; and Joel Kiselka, Naturopathic Medicine.

In his closing remarks, President Joseph Stiefel advised the graduates, “The most important thing you are going to do is be of service to your patients.” He also encouraged them to be advocates for themselves, the health care profession and their patients.

Ivylyn Paul-Van Os and Dr. Daniel Strauss
Ivylyn Paul-Van Os and Dr. Daniel Strauss

During the ceremony, the Joseph Janse Outstanding Graduate Award was presented to Ivylyn Paul-Van Os, Oriental Medicine by Daniel Strauss, DC, Dean of the College of Professional Studies, NUHS ̶ Florida.

Congratulations and best wishes for a bright future to our new graduates!



Jasmine Chin  ̶  Cum Laude

Chrystal L. Echols

Jane M. Haltmeyer  ̶  Valedictorian, Summa Cum Laude

Sheng Hua

Miguel Angel Merida

Leslie Ruth Moreno

Charlene Neven  ̶  Salutatorian, Summa Cum Laude

Evan Soutteer

Danielle Lynn Wilson

Jill Angeline Zalesski



Candace Na’Cole Mathers – Valedictorian, Cum Laude



Eunyoung Chung  ̶  Salutatorian, Summa Cum Laude

Ivylyn R. Paul-Van Os  ̶  Valedictorian, Summa Cum Laude



William Adams  ̶  Salutatorian, Magna Cum Laude

Victory Ikenna Anyiam

Roberto Antonio Arias

Mikkel Bahamondes

Gianfranco Calafiore

Britta Carol Cicansky

Christopher Joseph DeFabio

Amanda MacKenzie Driscoll

Stephanie Durocher  ̶  Valedictorian, Summa Cum Laude

Andrea Duvnjak

Daniel Antonio Francisco

Amanda Elizabeeth Gerke  ̶  Cum Laude

Christopher Grundmann

Andrew Johansen  ̶  Magna Cum Laude

Erica Lynn Juris

Susan Kennedy  ̶  Magna Cum Laude

Susan Khorshid

Mark LeVee

Sarah Miller

Jaclyn O’Neill  ̶  Magna Cum Laude

Christina Pekar

Morgan Renee Price

Michael Roemer

Sarah A. Singer

Brian Vear  ̶  Magna Cum Laude

Joshua D. Whetstone  ̶  Cum Laude



Elena Alisma  ̶  Salutatorian, Cum Laude

Julia Lynn Antonelli

Taryn Audrey Cass

Lori Marie Clarke

Michael Crabtree

Eva Dec

Haley Doherty

Katie Michelle Ferree

Joanna Geralia Alyn Garcon

Rhontasha Gerrick

Miranda Huepers

Nadene Johnson

Joel Kiselka  ̶ Valedictorian, Magna Cum Laue

Kieu Mindy Nguyen

Gabriella Petrelli

Halima Danielle Phelps

Karen Pusey

Valerie Kaye Ripperger

Michael Robinson

Poina Robinson

Catherine Agnes Saletnik-Maziarz

Gertrise Marlia Thomas

Nga Tran

Nicole Christine Valentini

Jennifer Michelle Visser

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