October 5 – 11 is officially designated as Naturopathic Medicine Week, thanks to a resolution passed three years ago by the United States Senate. National University’s Illinois campus is already bustling with activities to celebrate!
The NUHS chapter of the Naturopathic Medical Students Association has planned a roster of activities and speakers for the entire campus community:
Friday, Oct. 2 – Herb Harvest
Join Dr. Lorinda Sorensen from 3-5pm in the NUHS Botanical Garden. Come see the herbs in their autumn glory and learn how to harvest them for later preparation in tinctures and botanical remedies.
Saturday – Sunday, Oct. 3-4 ILANP Annual Conference
This weekend the third annual conference of the Illinois Association of Naturopathic Physicians October 3-4 on campus, featuring a host of notable speakers and continuing education courses.
Monday, Oct. 5 – Cancer Killers & Maximized Immunity
Come hear Dr. Charles Major, author ofThe Cancer Killersspeak on “Cancer Killers & Maximized Immunity” in room D140 at Noon. There will be an admission fee of $5.
Tuesday, Oct. 6 – Fermentation
Hear NUHS grad Dr. Thor Conner speak on the “how” and “why” of fermenting foods for healing power and nutrition at Noon in room D140.
Wednesday, Oct. 7 – Autoimmunity, Inflammation & Tolerance
NUHS welcomes back Dr. Russell Jaffe who will discuss ways of surviving the health challenges of the 21st Century at 6pm in room SC2.
Thursday, Oct. 8 – Naturopathic Philosophy
Come hear about and discuss naturopathic philosophy with members of the NMSA at noon in room D141.
Thursday, Oct. 8 -Natural Animal Medicine
Meet Dr. Destephano and learn about animal homeopathy, applied kinesiology and functional neurology at 5:30pm in room D141.
Friday, Oct. 9 – Tincture Day!
For those who attended the 10/2 Herb Harvest, you are invited to come learn how to prepare herbal tinctures with Dr. Lorinda Sorensen at 5pm in room D141.
Saturday, Oct. 10 – Community Outreach
Join NMSA members at the Wheaton Farmer’s Market where they will be providing community education about naturopathic medicine.
National University is proud to be home to the Midwest’s only nationally accredited doctor of naturopathic medicine degree program, and equally proud of its student and faculty who are leading the way in raising awareness about naturopathic medicine.