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Academic Excellence is the Hallmark of a National Education

Whether you plan to complete your undergraduate, master’s or first professional degree, you will find that National University offers you the highest level of academic excellence and most thorough training for your career in the health care profession of your choice. Our qualified and dedicated faculty has developed innovative and interactive curriculums that fully prepare you for careers in health science. Moreover, our special focus on integrative medicine makes sure you’re ready for today’s new opportunities in health careers.

Explore our Programs

Doctor of Chiropractic

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Doctor of Acupuncture

Doctor of Acupuncture Completion

Master of Acupuncture

Master of Science in Medical Science

Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice

Master of Science in Diagnostic Imaging

Dual Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science

Prerequisite Program

Continuing Education

“National University is unique. It’s more than our commitment to integrative medicine, or our focus on evidence-based care. It’s about how we train our students to stay at the forefront of today’s health care landscape and meet the demands of the future.” 

President Joseph P.D. Stiefel

NUHS president doctor joseph stiefel

Academic Bulletin & Calendar

NUHS student and faculty member

Detailed information on all academic programs and University policies

NUHS students walking around campus for tour

Important dates for each trimester

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